Pythons 2nd Annual Golf Day was held on Thursday 11th May 2023 again at Oakdale Golf Club in Harrogate. And 21 teams once again gathered from 11:00am to meet up, fuel up, swap stories and don the wetsuits and snorkels in readiness for the 1:00pm shotgun start.
The recent wet weather ensured that the going underfoot was very soft, and this turned very soggy indeed after a mid-morning deluge that made the Lake District look like the Sahara. Conditions therefore meant that high scoring was definitely not a cert.

Spirit of Harrogate (Slingsby’s Gin) again sponsored the halfway house (again manned expertly by Neil Summersall (Speedy) and Eddie Kernoghan) providing welcome G&T’s etc. to the procession of moist golfers trudging past during the afternoon (Pies from Audsley’s Butchers helped the troops too!)
Again, grateful thanks go to James Marsden, Tom Hesketh, and the Impulse Decisions team for running this event for us. They managed the many challenges on-course thrown up by the weather expertly so ensuring the day went smoothly for all.

As the round concluded, the Gods seem to taunt the players as the clubhouse balcony was then drenched in beautiful sunshine whilst they dried out whilst enjoying a well-earned post-game pint.
The second part of the day started at 7:00pm when 94 players and guests took their seats for supper and enjoyed some excellent quick wit and funny stories from our host for the night Peter Emmett and with brief welcomes for guests and sponsors from Peter Jesper (Pythons Commercial Chair) and a few words from Chairman Julian Tatlow.

The finale of the evening was the prize-giving with the recipients receiving an array of prizes and gifts; many provided by (and presented) our sponsors and friends of the club. Special thanks goes to our President Paul Day for attending to present the team prizes for us too (rumour has it that the last stragglers were still at the bar very late into the evening . . . Standard ‘eh?).

In conclusion, this was a great day for the club. Fantastic support from all quarters meant that the total funds raised was more than £4200:00 (more than a grand up on last year) for which Pythons is extremely grateful.
On behalf of the members, players, and committee of Harrogate Pythons RUFC, we offer our grateful thanks to all who were involved this year and we’ll see you back in 2024 . . .
Golf Day Results:
- Nearest the Pin on the 16th (Sponsored by Spirit of Harrogate) – Robert Jamieson.
- Longest Drive on the 5th (sponsored by Teakwood Partners) – David Docherty (2 in a row David!).
- 3rd Place Team – Roy Mackay’s ‘The HOG’s’ (Jamie Letts, Jon Mungovin, Michael Medley & Adam Reid).
- 2nd Place Team – Sand Communications ‘B’ (Tom Everingham, Jon Monaghan, James Barraclough & Carl Bearman).
- Winning Ladies Team – The Girls (Sally Cahill, Pat Impey, Julie Foxton & Karen Sweeting).
- 2023 Champions – Slingsby’s Cafe (Christopher Armstrong, Colin Cooper, Michael Armstrong & Andrew Ford).
Golf Day Sponsors:
- Colour It In (Mark & Alison Lancaster) 1st Hole, Beat the Pro Challenge on the 9th, Event graphics and their continued support.
- Teakwood Partners (Mark Rudolf) – Longest Drive on the 5th
- Warehouse Storage Solutions (Matthew Powell) – For underwriting the hole in one Mega Prize on the 9th.
- Slingsby Gin (Marcus and George Black) for supporting our prizes and for the Halfway House.
- Sand Communications (Simon Rodham) Sponsors of the 10th and much more