Harrogate Pythons RUFC on the International Rugby Stage!

The recent Autumn Nations Cup saw the welcome return of International Rugby to our screens, although both the players on the pitch and the viewers at home were accompanied with pre-recorded crowd noise only . . .

However at Twickenham in the absence of the usual 80,000+ crowd, the RFU invited clubs to send a match shirt down to them for display on the seats in The North Stand.  Once supporters are allowed back in, it’s the intention of the RFU to keep the display within the grounds as a permanent memory of these testing months.

Over 600 clubs sent shirts in and it was great to see The Harrogate Pythons RUFC shirt on The TV during the anthems together with our close North Yorkshire neighbours Ripon RUFC in shot too . . .

Our Pythons shirt is an old ‘match shirt’ and has the old sponsor logos on but nevertheless it was great to see Northern Energy (who are always so generous to Harrogate Pythons RUFC) standing out with us on National TV!

Best Regards

Julian Tatlow – Chairman

E: chairman@pythonsrugby.co.uk

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