
Here at Pythons, we’re lucky to be served and supported by a great team of volunteers; making up both the officers of the club and its committee. Each person below can be contacted directly. Just Click on Their Name to get in touch . . .

Paul Day

Club President

Julian Tatlow

Club Chairman

Neil Summersall

Club Secretary

George Booth

Club Captain & 1st XV Vice Captain and Players Representative 2024/2025 Season. Sponsored by GBB Services.

David Wheat

Club Treasurer & Hon. VP for 2023/24 Season.

Will Butler

Club Captain 21/22, 22/23, 23/24 & Chairman of Rugby.

Alan Cawkwell-Brown

Pythons 2nd XV Team Manager & Co-Opted Committee Member.

Gus Dunlop

Pythons 1st XV Team Manager & Fixture Secretary

Peter Jesper

Commercial Chair

Mike Ruthen

Club Captain 2020/2021 & Social Secretary.

Nathan Wake

Club Captain 21/22, 22/23 & 23/24, 24/25. Grounds/Facilities Chair. Sponsored by The Wild Swan.

Mark Wilkinson

2nd XV Captain 10/11, 11/12 & 13/14 (plus 16/17 Joint). Pirates Team Manager 22/23. Honorary Life Member & Co-Opted Committee Member.